Personal Financial Statement Template

A personal financial statement template is a spreadsheet that summarises an individual’s financial situation over a specified period. This spreadsheet typically contains personal and financial information about an individual, such as his name, address, a breakdown of his total assets and liabilities, and his total income and expenses.

This template can be immensely useful in tracking the individual’s overall wealth, mostly used when an applicant seeks to apply for a bank loan. It comprises all the assets owned and liabilities owed by an individual. This statement may or may not include the income and expenses of an individual.

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Personal Balance Sheet

Understanding Personal Finance Statement Template

The personal financial statement template comprises an individual’s income statement and balance sheet where all their expenses are borne. In addition, provides the income earned and the total of all their assets and liabilities. This template of an individual also provides their general personal information like name, address, contact details, etc.

#1 – Income Statement

#2 – Personal Balance Sheet

How to use this Template?