You've heard it before: "I'm not trying to sell you anything," but then you find out they are. "I'm not trying to change your way of doing things," but then it sure sounds like they're knocking themselves out to do just that. If you're determined to keep your manual inventory control system, by all means, keep it. However, it never hurts to fortify your position for the next time a salesperson rings you or emails with "an offer you can't refuse." You just might, but at least you'll be ready to explain why.
You can score a point with a pesky salesperson right off the bat – immediately after he uses the terms "inventory control" and "inventory management" as if they are the same thing. You don't have to be haughty about it; you can politely point out that if anybody wants to use two terms interchangeably, they're "inventory control" and "stock control." Both terms refer to managing a company's warehouse inventory level to have enough product on hand when needed.
The veracity of inventory control requires information from multiple sources, Oracle NetSuite says: warehousing and storage, orders and reorders, shipping and receiving, turnover and loss prevention, and customer satisfaction. If you find that managing all these moving parts is a daily challenge, it may help you to know that your frustration is shared by companies that are far bigger and endowed with far more resources than you. Business annals teem with cautionary tales from companies like Walmart and Target, whose inventory control system failures cost them billions of dollars. (Yes: "billions" with a "b.")
Advertisement Article continues below this adIf inventory control takes a close-up view of what's sitting on warehouse shelves, then inventory management systems take a step back for a broader, wide-angle view of the entire inventory process, including:
Most of the incentives for securing a solid inventory control system can be reduced to one compelling fear shared by owners of businesses of all sizes: Make one mistake with a customer order, and you may never see that customer again. Scores of research studies validate this fear, especially when 24/7 online stores and seven-day-a-week delivery services are busy elbowing out their competitors for greater market share. Once they latch onto an opportunity, most businesses are smart enough to do everything they can to hang onto it. So your fears are probably justified. If your company continually tells customers that an item is back-ordered (like Walmart did) or out of stock, there is bound to be another company to step in to take your place.
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A robust inventory control system can also spare your business from:
If inventory control – manual or automated – seems like a no-brainer to you, then prepare yourself for a jolt: The 2017 "State of Small Business Report" assembled by Wasp Barcode Technologies found that nearly half of all small businesses do not keep track of their inventory – not on paper, not on a spreadsheet, and not even sporadically on a piece of scrap paper conveniently pulled from a back pocket.
A random piece of paper is hardly an ideal way to keep track of inventory. Technically, it probably doesn't even count as a manual inventory system method, but it is manual, and this is how many small businesses continue to track the products they have on hand and where they can be found in a warehouse. In fact, for small businesses with only a few items to track, using a ledger or stock book can be sufficient. (Tell that to the pesky salesperson.)
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Other inventory control systems consist of:
Even the most ardent salesperson would have to concede the obvious advantages of a manual inventory control system. The list may be short, but as Acctivate notes, it packs a punch. A manual system:
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The disadvantages of a manual system usually form the "hook" of any salesperson's approach. At this point, it may help to remember that basic spreadsheets are considered manual, too. So stay alert to the cues; you probably are being pitched about basic or advanced inventory software, both of which are considered automated. Either way, it's true that a manual inventory control system is:
The fundamental goals of any inventory control system are to control costs and reduce them where you can while improving profitability. Your present system may be succeeding in this regard, but if a big change in the way you do business is on the horizon – particularly if your business model will move you online – an automated system that can scale to incorporate more complex analytics may be a prudent move.
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Whatever you ultimately decide, your gut determination to abide by the basics should serve you well. As Oracle says: "Your software is only as good as your processes. Software cannot solve bad processes, just automate them."