A Primer on the Texas Anti-SLAPP Statute

As the Texas Supreme Court continues to demonstrate unprecedented judicial activism to prevent access to public information such as dates of birth and travel vouchers for state employees, the Texas Legislature unanimously adopted one of the strongest Anti-SLAPP statutes in the nation and showed their continued support of the First Amendment. On June 17, 2011, the Texas Citizens Participation Act (the “Texas Anti-SLAPP statute”) was signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry. And, because the law was passed out of both legislative chambers by more than a two-thirds majority, the law went into effect immediately. This is a great piece of legislation that protects the little guy, promotes judicial economy, provides for tort reform and advances the First Amendment rights of all Texas citizens.

Here are some quick highlights about the Texas Anti-SLAPP statute which is codified at Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code, Chapter 27:

The bill would never have become law were it not for the tireless efforts of all those who came to testify, who contacted their senators and representatives in support of the bill, who ultimately helped to subsidize some of the costs, and who provided examples of demonstrated need to personalize the issue for their lawmakers. The masterful legislative talents of our sponsors, Chairman Todd Hunter and Senators Rodney Ellis and Kevin Eltife, cannot be overstated either. Each of these gentlemen brought their gravitas and significant imprint to the legislation and to the process. We applaud them for protecting the First Amendment rights of all Texas citizens.

(Note: Haynes and Boone Partner Laura Lee Prather formed and spearheaded the coalition that worked for and obtained passage of HB 2793/SB 1565, the Texas Anti-SLAPP statute.)