Frequently Asked Questions

It is not a summons for jury duty - you are not required to appear for jury duty at this time. The Jury Questionnaire is one of the 1st steps in the juror selection process. The Court uses the questionnaire responses to determine whether a citizen is qualified or exempt, based on the criteria set out in the Michigan Court Rules .

Do I have to respond to the questionnaire?

You are required by law to return the completed Jury Questionnaire to the court at 328 Washington Street. Failure to return the questionnaire will cause you to be summoned to court. Failure to respond to the summons may lead to your arrest and imposition of a fine or costs.

Is the information supplied on the questionnaire really confidential?

The court emphasizes that the information compiled from jury question questionnaire responses is confidential. It is used strictly for jury selection and it is not disseminated to any other agencies or parties unless specifically authorized by federal or state law or by court order.

I received a Jury Questionnaire, does this mean I have to report for jury duty?

No, not at this time. The Jury Questionnaire begins the screening process for prospective jurors. After the court reviews your questionnaire response, you may be selected for jury duty during the upcoming calendar year. You are only required to report to court if you receive a summons for Jury Duty.

I received a questionnaire last year and responded that I was either not qualified or I asked to be exempt from service. Why did I receive another questionnaire?
Prior years' questionnaire records are deleted to ensure impartiality and random selection.

I received 2 questionnaires, what should I do?

Fill out the questionnaire that has the name you prefer and write "duplicate" at the top of the 2nd questionnaire that you are not filling out. Return both questionnaires to the Court at 328 Washington Street.

The questionnaire was sent to a family member who is deceased, what should I do?

Mark "deceased" on the questionnaire and return it to the Court at 328 Washington Street. We try to avoid this situation, please accept our apology.

I am unable to complete the questionnaire because of ill health or other physical or mental limitation, what should I do?

The questionnaire may be completed by an individual you authorize to act on your behalf. Please support your current limitations with a note from your treating physician.

The questionnaire is addressed to my son/daughter who is away at college, what should I do?
Forward the questionnaire to your son/daughter at college and have him/her mail the questionnaire to the Court at:
328 Washington Street
Traverse City, MI 49684

Or you may fill out the questionnaire for him/her, sign your name, indicating you as his/her parent, and return the questionnaire to the court.

If selected for jury service, the court will mail a summons for jury duty approximately 2 weeks prior to the scheduled trial.

If summoned for a trial when he/she is at college, he/she can call the Circuit Court Clerk at 231-922-4701 for further instructions and may be rescheduled to serve during a holiday or summer break.

The party whose name is on the questionnaire doesn't live at this address, what should I do?

If you know the party's forwarding address, mark through the address shown on the questionnaire, write the new address, and place the questionnaire in the U.S. mail. If you do not know the party's forwarding address, mark through the address printed on the questionnaire, write "Addressee does not live at this address - Forwarding address unknown," and place the questionnaire in the U.S. mail.

What if I lose or damage my questionnaire?

If you have lost or damaged your questionnaire, please contact the relevant County Clerk Office and request another copy. The Antrim County Clerk phone number is 321-533-6353. The Grand Traverse County Clerk phone number is 231-922-4760. The Leelanau County Clerk phone number is 231-256-9824.

How was I selected for jury duty?

The court's pool of potential jurors is provided by the Michigan Secretary of State and contains all licensed drivers and persons with state identification cards in your county of residence. Individuals are summoned at random from the pool using a computerized system.

How long should I expect to serve on jury duty?
The jury selection process generally takes 0.5 days. If you are actually selected as a juror in a case, the average length of a trial is 2 - 3 days.

I am the sole proprietor of a business and lose money when I am called for service, why can I not be excused?

Many individuals are in this situation. The court does not excuse individuals due to financial hardship at the initial summons stage of the process. Hardships are discussed once jury selection in a trial begins.

I have no transportation to the courthouse for jury duty, what should I do?

Public transportation is often the best solution. The Bay Area Transportation Authority (BATA) ride dispatch can be reached at 231-941-2324 or visit their website .

I am a stay-at-home parent with children that are not yet in school, can I be excused?

Each case is handled individually and depends upon whether your circumstances fall within the statutory provisions for an excuse from service based upon undue or extreme physical or financial hardship. Upon receiving a summons, you need to direct a letter to the Circuit Court Administration Office for review by the presiding Judge. Be specific and provide financial, medical and/or other proof regarding your hardship. If prepaid travel is the source of hardship, please provide copies of your pre-paid airline tickets or other reservations.

The following are the addresses for Circuit Court Administration Offices by County:
Antrim County Clerk
P.O. Box 520
203 E Cayuga Street
Bellaire, MI 49615

Grand Traverse County Clerk
328 Washington Street, Suite 100
Traverse City, MI 49684

Leelanau County Clerk
8527 E Government Center Drive, Suite 103
Suttons Bay, MI 49682

I am a caregiver to a disabled person, can I be excused?

Each case is handled individually and depends upon whether your circumstances fall within the statutory provisions for an excuse from service based upon undue or extreme physical or financial hardship. Upon receiving a summons, you need to direct a letter to the Circuit Court Administration Office for review by the presiding Judge. Be specific and provide financial, medical and/or other proof regarding your hardship.

Correspondence should be directed to:
Antrim County Clerk
P.O. Box 520
203 E Cayuga Street
Bellaire, MI 49615

Grand Traverse County Clerk
328 Washington Street
Suite 100
Traverse City, MI 49684

Leelanau County Clerk
8527 E Government Center Drive
Suite 103
Suttons Bay, MI 49682

Can my employer penalize me because I report for jury duty? Does my employer have to pay me regular wages when I am performing jury service?

Michigan law prohibits an employer from terminating, disciplining, threatening or taking adverse actions against an employee because that employee received or responded to a jury summons. An employee may not be required or requested to use annual, vacation, personal, or sick leave for time spent responding to a jury summons, time spent participating in the jury selection process, or time spent actually serving on a jury.

However, the law does not require your employer to pay you wages while you are on jury duty. Many employees are paid wages while on jury duty because it is a negotiated contract provision. Please check with your supervisor to answer this question.

Current Jury Service is compensated at $50 per day and $25 per half day and $0.555 per mile (as set annually by your County Board of Commissioners).

I am in the military, on active duty, do I have to serve jury duty?

Yes - If your residency is Antrim, Grand Traverse, or Leelanau County and you are not based elsewhere.

I have already served jury duty, can I be called to serve again?

Yes, unless you reported for jury service in the Circuit Court within the last 3 years or you do not meet 1 of the other qualifications. Reported means you appeared in the jury room on an assigned date as instructed by the court. If you received a summons and your number was never selected to come in, then you did not report.

The Circuit Court does not include the Federal Court. You may actually serve in both the Federal Court and the Circuit Court in the same year if summoned by both Courts.

If you do not know the year you previously served in the Circuit Court, place a question mark in the blank on the questionnaire for the year. The jury staff will check your prior service.

Is a DUI (driving under the influence) considered a felony?
A 1st and 2nd conviction for DUI is not considered a felony nor are other traffic-related offenses. If you answer yes, include a description of the felony conviction.