Notice to Vacate: How to Write an Effective Letter to Your Landlord When Moving Out (Sample Included)

When it comes to moving out of your apartment, providing a written notice to your landlord is essential. Not only does it serve as a formal announcement of your intention to vacate, but it also helps establish a clear timeline for both parties involved. In this comprehensive guide, you will discover the key steps and a sample letter template to ensure your communication is professional, adheres to proper guidelines, and complies with rental laws and regulations. Learn how to draft an effective notice to vacate and confidently inform your landlord while maintaining a positive relationship.

Do you have to give notice when moving out of an apartment?

Yes, in most cases, you are required to give notice when moving out of an apartment. The notice period is typically outlined in your lease agreement and varies by location and local rental laws. Common notice periods are 30 days, 60 days, or even more, depending on the terms of your lease. It’s important to check your lease agreement and follow the specified notice requirements to avoid any potential issues. Providing proper notice allows the landlord to prepare for your departure and find new tenants if needed.

What is a notice to vacate letter?

A notice to vacate letter is a written document you submit to your landlord or property manager letting them know you plan to end your lease and move out of your rental unit. This letter formally announces your plans to vacate the residence and break or end your lease.

Why is giving written notice important?

Many, if not most, properties require that tenants provide “notice to vacate” to the landlord before moving out and before the end of your lease agreement. By submitting a 30-day notice, you’re providing your landlord or property manager with an adequate amount of time to find a new tenant.

When considering whether or not to renew your lease, be sure to read the details of your lease agreement. While most standard leases require tenants provide 30-day notice to vacate before moving out, required notice periods can be anywhere from 30 to 90 days. Once you have decided to terminate or break your lease, and you have renewed the details of your rental contract, you’ll want to put your intent to move out in writing.

When should you submit your written notice?

Before you do anything, get the logistics of moving out of the way.

Will you be signing a new lease on a certain day? Are you planning on being in a new city on a particular date? Check your calendar and decide when you want your final day in your apartment to be. From there, you will know how and when you should give your landlord written notice. Again, most leases require a 30-day notice to vacate, so keep that timeline in mind when planning your move. If you move out early or don’t give enough notice, you may be required to pay a fee, depending on the terms of your lease .

How to draft your written notice when moving out of an apartment

Writing a notice letter may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write a notice letter to your apartment manager:

    Review your lease agreement Before you start writing your notice letter, review your lease agreement. Your lease agreement should have information on how much notice you need to give before moving out. Some lease agreements require you to give 30 days’ notice, while others may require 60 or 90 days’ notice.

What not to include in your written notice

Your written notice should be kept short and to the point. Try not to use this as an opportunity to state any issues you may have had with the unit. You do not need to explain your decision to not renew your lease. You’ll want to remain professional and make the process as smooth as possible.

6 Common mistakes to avoid when giving notice to vacate

When drafting your notice to vacate, it’s important to be aware of common mistakes that can undermine the effectiveness of your communication. Avoid these pitfalls to ensure a smooth and professional process:

1. Insufficient notice

Failing to provide the required notice period specified in your lease agreement can lead to penalties or additional charges. Review your lease agreement and ensure you comply with the stated notice period, whether it’s 30 days, 60 days, or another duration.

2. Lack of clarity

Make sure your notice clearly states your intent to vacate, including the specific move-out date. Ambiguity can cause confusion and lead to misunderstandings between you and your landlord.

3. Forgetting contact information

Always include your updated contact information, such as your phone number, email address, and forwarding address. This ensures that your landlord can reach you if needed and enables the smooth return of your security deposit.

4. Neglecting outstanding balances

If you have any outstanding rent payments or repairs that need to be addressed before moving out, mention them in your notice. Leaving these issues unmentioned may complicate the process and result in financial disputes.

5. Emotional or unprofessional language

Maintain a professional tone throughout your notice. Avoid expressing personal grievances or providing unnecessary explanations for your decision to move out. Keep the focus on the necessary details and maintain a respectful and courteous tone.

6. Failure to proofread

Before sending your notice, thoroughly proofread it for spelling and grammatical errors. A well-crafted and error-free notice demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your notice to vacate is clear, concise, and professional, facilitating a smooth transition out of your rental property.

Sample notice to vacate letter

To make drafting your notice to vacate even easier, simply find a template and fill in the blanks. Here’s a 30-day notice to vacate sample letter that highlights the things you’ll want to include:

[Your phone number]

[Your email address]

[Your current address]

[City, State, Zip code]

Dear [Landlord/property manager’s name]

This letter shall serve as my official 30-day notice to vacate. In this written notice, I request to vacate and terminate the lease which was signed on [Month, Date, Year] for the property located at [Address, Apartment Number, City, State, Zip].

I will be vacating the property, at the latest, by [Your Move-Out Date].

My security deposit can be sent to my new address at [Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip].

Sample notice to vacate letter template

And that’s it! Following these steps will ensure that you write a professional and effective notice letter to your apartment manager. If you have any further questions, be sure to consult your lease agreement or speak with your apartment manager directly.

Notice to vacate from landlord to tenant

Sometimes a notice to vacate may be given by a landlord to a renter to terminate tenancy. Written notice is legally required and often has a specific timeframe for which it is required to be sent. These can vary by state but are most commonly sent within 30, 60, or 90 days. You will typically receive this kind of notice for the following reasons:

Most commonly, renters will receive a notice to vacate from a landlord within 30-60 days from the lease agreement expiration date. If you do not wish to vacate the unit you can try to negotiate with your landlord, but once the notice has been delivered in the legal timeframe, you have an obligation to vacate the unit once your agreement has expired.

What is early termination of a lease?

Some leases or rental agreements contain a provision that permits a tenant to vacate a rental unit before the lease term expires. However, tenants may be required to pay a penalty (such as a month’s rent) or forfeit a portion of their security deposit in order to do so. Circumstances where renters may be able to break a lease without penalty include the following:

Tips for writing a lease termination letter

Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind as you draft your written notice:

Frequently asked questions

Is it required to write a notice to vacate letter?

Yes. Most landlords and property managers will require written notice should you decide to not renew your current lease. Some landlords and property managers may accept a simple email, while others will request a formal letter. Refer to your lease or reach out to your property manager should you have any questions about how to submit your intent to vacate.

What happens if I don’t provide a written notice?

If you do not submit a formal notice to vacate you could be subject to additional costs and fees. Without a written notice, your lease will likely continue on a month-to-month basis, with a higher monthly rent price. To avoid any penalties, be aware of how much notice you need to provide.

What should I do if my landlord or property manager does not respond to my written notice?

If you do not hear back from your landlord or property manager within a week of submitting your written notice you should follow-up as soon as possible. Send a courteous follow-up email or give them a call directly to ensure that your notice did not get lost in the mail or sent to the spam inbox. Landlords and property managers often have lots of emails and transactions with many tenants and it’s possible that yours could have simply been lost in the shuffle.

Can you change your mind and stay in the rental property after submitting a 30 day notice to vacate?

In general, once a 30 day notice to vacate has been submitted, it cannot be rescinded or revoked without the landlord’s consent. If you want to stay in the rental property, reach out to your landlord to discuss the possibility of negotiating a new lease agreement or extending the current one.

What information should be included in a 30 day notice to vacate?

A 30 day notice to vacate should include the date the notice is being given, the tenant’s name and address, the property’s address, the date the tenant plans to vacate the property, and the tenant’s signature. It’s important to make sure all information is accurate and complete to avoid any confusion or disputes.

Final thoughts

Ready to write an effective notice to your landlord when moving out? Download our free sample letter and 30-day notice to vacate template to ensure you cover all the necessary information and communicate professionally. Take the next step towards a smooth move-out process and maintain a positive relationship with your landlord.

Words by

Julie is an avid sports enthusiast, beer drinker, city runner, and non-fiction reader. She's been a renter for 10 years, and has learned a thing or two in the process.